Handing the course over

Course director, Jo, handing over the reins to Elizabeth

Today is the penultimate day of NICHE International’s Uganda visit and the penultimate day of the 3 Neonatal Care Courses. Everyone has worked incredibly hard and been made to feel very welcome. Here are a few photos of Bwindi’s instructors in action:

Lectures are delivered in an interactive way to increase learning through participation
The amount of lecturing has been reduced in the new rendition of the course, the material now being available on an e-learning platform
The engagement and enthusiasm of the local instructors shines through
One time clinical officer, now a medical student, Sadias has joined the team at his old place of work to instruct on all 3 courses
Expert resuscitation demo, initially single-handed
And then as the whole team
The course will be safe in their hands

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