For the first course, the visiting international faculty members from Cameroon and UK are taking the lead instructor roles. They will start to hand these over for courses 2 and 3, as the local instructors become more familiar with the material, with time keeping and with the role of debriefer as teacher.
It is however a little early to be handing over the role of course director, Jo….
This is one of the Ugandan instructors’ babies. She appeared on this blog a year ago as a good example of breastfeeding in the workplace. Now she has other aspirations and has Jo’s job in her sights.
Resuscitation training is easy to photograph, not quite so easy to either teach or learn. Jo keeps a beady eye on all the faculty when they’re teaching to ensure a high standard of instructor and of the training they are delivering. She was head of resuscitation services in Bristol for many years and old habits die hard!
50% of James’ role as a paediatrician in London is as a simulation trainer. He is a Newborn Life Support instructor in the UK and the lead for paediatric simulation training in his home hospital. He seems to be thoroughly enjoying sharing his skills in Uganda for the first time.
The team is teaching 72 hospital staff and nursing students over the next 10 days. They are teaching an overhauled course which we hope will lead to even more effective learning. Fingers crossed that the timings on day 2 work out OK!
A team of instructors from UK and Cameroon are currently in the air, flying from Entebbe to Bwindi to meet up with six Ugandan instructors (trained by NICHE last year) for three back-to-back NCCs for staff and students at the hospital and adjoining nursing school. Pictures eagerly awaited!
The Neonatal Care Course was originally written by Maternal & Childhealth Advocacy International and and has stood the test of time well. Before NICHE International was set up, some of us were volunteers with MCAI and taught the course in Gambia in 2014 as well as Cameroon in 2015.
The Strengthening Emergency Care (SEC) committee of ALSG keeps an eye on the course content and provides the educational governance for the course and we have certainly added things to it over the years as a result of changes in World Health Organisation policy, relevant new clinical studies or feedback from the learners. We have kept it as practical as possible and ensured that it is easy for local instructors to teach in their turn.
Educationally though, it was in need of a bit of a revamp. It was very lecture heavy with no e-learning site in a world where most healthcare professionals in the world now have access to the internet at least intermittently during their working week. Alistair, Cath and Julia have been restructuring and updating the course for the past few months and on 4th and 5th January, trustees, instructors, friends and interested parties gathered together in Calderdale Hospital to put the new course to the test.
The weekend got off to a great start with lots of very enthusiastic learners and the timings working out better than we had feared. But then it snowed. This is not really a problem we have in Uganda and Cameroon (although we have had courses threatened in Liberia by heavy rains making the red laterite soil roads impassable). All trains to and from Halifax were cancelled because of a fallen tree, no bus replacement services were allowed to run and emergency services were busy rescuing people from their cars overnight all around Halifax. So we reluctantly did the sensible thing and cancelled day 2.
“Two deliveries today with some issues breathing and just with positioning, the babies picked up and are presently on S2SMC [Skin to Skin Mother Care] thanks for the knowledge from Neonatal care work shop“
This is a quote from one of the healthcare workers Grace and her team trained last week in Bamenda. They were a group from Life Abundance Primary Care Staff who are healthcare practitioners working in remote, hard to reach areas of Cameroon.
The Neonatal Care Course normally has a limit of 24 per course but Grace was asked to teach 42 at once! Experienced people working in very difficult circumstances in anglophone Cameroon at the moment, desperate to learn.
The Cameroonian faculty still delivered effective training for this group, opting to miss out the final exam and the oxygen concentrator session “since they have no oxygen and no concentrator”. The group work sessions were a bit crowded but the instructors stayed late to ensure everyone got a go at the simulations.
An amazing feat to have run the course with almost double the number of learners as usual, and credit to Grace and the other instructors for being so adaptable for the good of the babies these people will go on to help. Feedback like that quoted above empowers the team (and us at NICHE International) to continue with the programme.
NICHE International’s programme manager Grace is now the Maternal and Child Health Services supervisor for Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services, our partner in Cameroon.
In this capacity she has been visiting various health centres to look at their newborn care facilities and offer support if necessary.
Bonaberi is a district of Douala with a rapidly growing population and severe poverty. Internally displaced people from the Cameroonian regions where there is civil unrest have moved to Bonaberi and added to this problem.
In the health centre she visited in Bonaberi, she found a range of difficulties. On reviewing neonatal deaths, she recognised the need for training particularly in resuscitation of the newborn.
Grace and other instructors trained by NICHE International have just finished running a training course in Douala and 5 staff from the Bonaberi Health Centre have attended it to improve their skills.
Grace and her colleagues are now experienced Neonatal Care Course Instructors. They can assess need and respond with appropriate training.
NICHE International wants to ensure that the learning which candidates acquire when they attend a Neonatal Care Course, is put into practice in their workplaces.
One way of doing this is to encourage peer to peer learning, which can be led by the health workers that have qualified as Neonatal Care Course Instructors and carried out in the health clinics and hospitals where they work.
There is evidence that short informal teaching sessions can embed good practice and reduce skills decay.
An award from BMA Giving is enabling us to buy new neonatal manikins to distribute to hospitals and clinics in Cameroon, to help midwives, nurses and doctors to practise neonatal resuscitation which saves babies lives.
On 31st July we ran our first Information Webinar for potential volunteers. We were delighted to see many keen people and some Cameroonian colleagues in attendance.
The best questions in the webinar were ‘How do we maintain the standards of the Instructors?” and ‘how do we know that what is taught on the course is incorporated into practice?”. Both of these issues remain a challenge, and are linked to the Holy Grail of skills retention.
Dr Jarlath O’Donohoe muses on this further:
NICHE has a well developed structure of training, based on educational approaches that are used in resource rich countries for clinical training. However it is clear that there is a significant loss of skill and knowledge in the few months following a training course, wherever in the world that course is delivered. To help trainers keep up to date and to develop, NICHE has recently begun facilitating Instructor Development days for established overseas faculty members.
In high income countries attempts to overcome the loss of skills by practitioners principally revolve around repeat attendance at the training course, usually at an interval of years (often 4 years). The 4 year gap is for financial reasons principally because the forgetting curve (see diagram above) is pretty much at the bottom of the graph by the time people redo their provider courses. For practical and educational reasons, it may be worth trying to identify other techniques that practitioners could use to retain skills.
Various modifications of training technique have been suggested to help with skill retention and programme scale-up. These include discussing things with an inanimate object (a rubber duck is the example given) which has been recommended in the world of computer learning. “Simply talking about it will lead to enlightenment” Thomas D and Hunt A wrote in The Pragmatic Programming. Pearson Education Inc. 20th Anniversary Edition.
For those not keen on talking to inanimate objects a closely related technique is the Feynman technique which has 4 stages. Imagine you are trying to teach something to an 10 year old child. Write down your description of what you are trying to learn. Identify the gaps and lastly find ways of filling in those gaps. This is Lernen durch Lehren, German for Learning by Teaching.
Mental imaging and rehearsal: athletes and surgeons often mentally rehearse their technique before implementing it. Instructors of life support courses practice exactly what they are going to demonstrate before teaching it. Results indicate that the more complex the teaching activity is, the more opportunities there are to learn by teaching. NICHE encourages the incorporation and extension of practices that provide opportunities for instructors to continue to learn by teaching their peers, peer tutoring and/or peer assessment (Duran, D. (2016). Learning-by-teaching. Evidence and implications as a pedagogical mechanism. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 54(5), 476–484. We have recently successfully fund raised for extra manikins to be sent to Cameroon faculty members for on-going microteaching sessions in instructors’ own healthcare facilities.
The forgetting curve and prevention of skills decay could be one of the discussion topics in the next Instructor Development Days.