“Two deliveries today with some issues breathing and just with positioning, the babies picked up and are presently on S2SMC [Skin to Skin Mother Care] thanks for the knowledge from Neonatal care work shop“
This is a quote from one of the healthcare workers Grace and her team trained last week in Bamenda. They were a group from Life Abundance Primary Care Staff who are healthcare practitioners working in remote, hard to reach areas of Cameroon.
The Neonatal Care Course normally has a limit of 24 per course but Grace was asked to teach 42 at once! Experienced people working in very difficult circumstances in anglophone Cameroon at the moment, desperate to learn.
The Cameroonian faculty still delivered effective training for this group, opting to miss out the final exam and the oxygen concentrator session “since they have no oxygen and no concentrator”. The group work sessions were a bit crowded but the instructors stayed late to ensure everyone got a go at the simulations.
An amazing feat to have run the course with almost double the number of learners as usual, and credit to Grace and the other instructors for being so adaptable for the good of the babies these people will go on to help. Feedback like that quoted above empowers the team (and us at NICHE International) to continue with the programme.