After a whole day in the plane (there are no direct flights to Liberia from the UK) and another day in the car (gathering up instructors for our course, dropping off an obstetrician from Northern Ireland who is at a hospital a couple of hours north of here for a week to run the examinations for a group of midwives who have been taught extended skills), we are now ensconced in a house within the compound of CH Rennie hospital in Kakata.
Due to start the course the day after tomorrow so will be spending tomorrow setting up the room, ensuring the programme is correct and going through the content with Kola and Agnes, neonatal nurse practitioner and midwifery practitioner respectively who are going to be our co-instructors.
I’m struggling to upload pictures. It’s been a bit rainy and heavy today so the photos won’t really do the country justice anyway. It’s very green and lush against the red laterite soil that runs in a band across sub-Saharan Africa. Here’s one I found on the internet which is pretty true to form except I’m not sure that I’ve seen any motorbike helmets yet.