Another 12 instructors trained

Alison gave out the certificates of achievement at the end of the 2-day generic instructor course. 2024 marks her 20th year as a volunteer in Cameroon, initially with MCAI charity and for the last 7 years with NICHE International. This is probably the last time she will come in person to Cameroon and we thanked her for her long service to the country – from overseeing the building of a playroom in Bamenda which enticed the children with HIV into their clinic, to the establishment of a breast milk bank in the same hospital, to the training of healthcare professionals in newborn care and now the support of a 28-strong Cameroonian teaching faculty. Alison continues as the lead trustee of NICHE International in the UK.

Alison at the centre of the Instructor Development Programme faculty with Mboppi Hospital Administrator

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