Back in Bwindi

We’re back in Bwindi Community Hospital for the first Generic Instructor Course (GIC) to be run here, followed by 2 x Neonatal Care Courses (NCC) where we will be supervising the newly trained instructors as they facilitate their first 2 courses.

Dr Scott Kellerman, founder of Bwindi Community Hospital with Julia and Kirstie

U.S missionaries Dr. Scott and his wife Carol Kellerman started the hospital in 2003 when it was a simple outreach clinic under a tree for the Batwa people, who had been evicted from Bwindi Impenetrable forest when it was turned into a mountain gorilla sanctuary. That small clinic is now a fully-fledged hospital with 155 beds, which also houses the Uganda Nursing School and Uganda College of Health Sciences Bwindi.

The close proximity of the Impenetrable Forest makes it a beautiful place to come and teach.

Instructors Jo B-J and Grace waiting to go to the hospital this morning to set up the teaching rooms. Uganda is quite a bit cooler than Cameroon!
Jo L had to wait for someone else to finish using her bathroom this morning
Such a beautiful place to work
Street scene outside the hospital

Tomorrow we start work properly – 2 full days of instructor training for the 12 candidates chosen this time last year during the first 2 NCCs we ran here. There is a lot of enthusiasm from all involved and we are looking forward to getting going.

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