A NICHE team was supposed to be in Uganda at the moment, running the first Generic Instructor Course. The trip has been postponed because of an Ebola outbreak. Jo B-J, head of resuscitation services at Bristol and never one to miss a trick, persuaded 4 of us to go to Bristol instead to teach on the GIC her department was running. It was a great course, well run as always with lots of learning at every level.

It was good to meet the new members of the instructor team face to face. Jo is an experienced educator with the Resuscitation Council and Cath is a neonatal consultant with overseas experience who instructs on a variety of neonatal and paediatric life support courses as well as the generic instructor course. I am very much looking forward to working with both of them at Bwindi – hopefully in February 2023.

Great job team members. Good to see your photos and to know how the course went