NICHE team in Bristol, UK

L to R: Cath, Alistair, baby manikin, Jo, Jo, Julia

A NICHE team was supposed to be in Uganda at the moment, running the first Generic Instructor Course. The trip has been postponed because of an Ebola outbreak. Jo B-J, head of resuscitation services at Bristol and never one to miss a trick, persuaded 4 of us to go to Bristol instead to teach on the GIC her department was running. It was a great course, well run as always with lots of learning at every level.

Impromptu meeting to discuss Jo, the educator’s, plans for remotely supporting the Ugandan GIC instructors prior to a rescheduled visit

It was good to meet the new members of the instructor team face to face. Jo is an experienced educator with the Resuscitation Council and Cath is a neonatal consultant with overseas experience who instructs on a variety of neonatal and paediatric life support courses as well as the generic instructor course. I am very much looking forward to working with both of them at Bwindi – hopefully in February 2023.

A fine team to be part of

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